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IoT and electronics

Internet of things

Connecting devices to power up your ideas

Internet-connected devices let our clients optimize business workflows, cut on resources wastage and provide unique value to users. For almost 2 years, since its beginning, SI Production has been working on IoT projects across domains – from office automation and security to UAV and entertainment industry. Now, you may use our experience and skills to build complex and secure IoT solutions.

IoT consulting

Find out how to implement your IoT product idea. We analyze your project requirements to help you choose the right technology stack and build the proper architecture of your IoT product. We also help you find the IoT certification agency to pass all the required compliance tests and make the system ready for production. If your product is live already, we examine your IoT system in detail to make it even more efficient.

IoT web and mobile development

Develop reliable and efficient server-side software and databases for your IoT project. We use TLS & MQTT protocols to secure the data transfer through your IoT network. To help you and your users manage the system, we provide web and mobile app development for all popular operating systems and devices – Android, iOS, Windows or MacOS X.

Technologies: Node.js, Go, Qt, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Docker, MQTT, TLS

Cloud computing for IoT

Use cloud infrastructure to collect, process and access large amounts of data generated by IoT system from any device.

  • AWS IoT Platform
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud

Security consulting

Apply the right security practices to your IoT system, such as data encryption, user authentication and other tactics. We advise you on how to prevent cyber attacks and protect your IoT system from potential breaches. We ensure that every component of IoT network remains secure – from the IoT devices to the cloud and back-end server.

IoT hardware design and development

Build secure hardware that fits your IoT devices, data storage & processing requirements. We design hardware components for various types of IoT devices, including PCBs and housings, microcontrollers and modules. After building and testing prototypes, we provide BOM and Gerber files to the manufacturer.

Key technologies we work with (but not limited to):

  • STM32 Microcontrollers
  • ESP32
  • ESP8266
  • Arduino
  • Raspberry PI, Raspberry PI Zero

Firmware & embedded development

No IoT device would function without a proper firmware. We build firmware for various platforms and operating systems – FreeRTOS, Mbed OS, Debian and Raspbian.

To keep your IoT devices secure, scalable and up-to-date, we offer over-the-air (OTA) development and provide regular updates.

Technologies: C/C++, MQTT, SSL/TLS, Amazon Free, RTOS/ Mbed OS, Freertos, Ethernet, SPI, I2C, OTA

Quality assurance, prototyping & unit testing

To ensure high quality and security of your IoT system, we provide a series of testing & QA services, including:

– functional testing;
– unit testing (for embedded devices and microcontrollers);
– system testing;
– integration testing;
– security and access testing;
– interoperability testing;
– performance and load testing;
– usability & user acceptance testing.

General electronics

  • control system devices with firmware