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Hardware production process – what have changed over the years?

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In the realm of interactive technology, kiosks and totems have emerged as crucial tools for communication, information dissemination, and customer engagement. These interactive platforms have witnessed significant transformations in their hardware production processes over the years, paralleling the rapid advancements in technology. This article delves into the evolution of hardware production processes, highlighting the changes… Read More »Hardware production process – what have changed over the years?

Good design – how its achieved. Sacrifices?

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Good design is an intricate blend of creativity, functionality, and aesthetics that shapes the products and systems we encounter in our daily lives. From smartphones to automobiles, the field of industrial engineering is responsible for bringing these designs to fruition. Achieving good design requires a delicate balance between innovation, practicality, and sometimes, making tough sacrifices.… Read More »Good design – how its achieved. Sacrifices?

Efficiency in design systems. 5 tips for better design governance

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In the ever-evolving landscape of design, efficiency is a prized asset that can significantly impact the success of any project. Design systems have emerged as a pivotal solution to streamline workflows and ensure consistency across various products and platforms. However, maintaining the efficiency of a design system requires robust governance. In this article, we’ll explore… Read More »Efficiency in design systems. 5 tips for better design governance